Natural Ingredients for Natural Skin Care: Why Our Blend Works

Natural Ingredients for Natural Skin Care: Why Our Blend Works

What’s in our TrueScience line of skin care products that makes it so special? If you read through the ingredient list, some things sound quite familiar. That’s because many of the ingredients are the same you find in Protandim! Ingredients like bacopa, milk thistle, green tea, black pepper, and turmeric, when ingested, help activate Nrf2 and protect cells from oxidative stress. But these ingredients have also been shown to help mitigate the visible effects of skin damage caused by oxidative stress when applied topically. We call it Nrf2 technology, and it’s part of the entire TrueScience line of products, created to support skin’s natural age-resisting functions, reduce visible signs of aging, and restore a youthful look to your skin.

The TrueScience Beauty System

The TrueScience system is the only skin care regimen scientifically formulated with Nrf2 technology to create healthier, more radiant-looking skin. This beauty system consists of four amazing products:

  • TrueScience Facial Cleanser
  • TrueScience Perfecting Lotion
  • TrueScience Eye Serum
  • TrueScience Anti-Aging Cream

In addition to Nrf2 technology, each TrueScience product contains other unique compounds that moisturize, improve skin tone, and minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Here’s what you’ll find in each of the products –

TrueScience Facial Cleanser has a light fragrance but no soap, sulfates or parabens. The Nrf2 technology consists of a blend of bacopa, milk thistle, green tea, black pepper and turmeric. Other ingredients in the Facial Cleanser include:

  • Alpha-glucan oligosaccharide: This “prebiotic for the skin” protects and supports the bioflora that is naturally present on your skin. Rather than using harsh chemicals that strip these healthy bacteria away, this ingredient creates a balanced environment, where the good bacteria can discourage the growth of undesirable flora.
  • Surfactants (sodium methyl cocoyl taurate, sodium cocoyl isethionate): These gentle substances clean dirt and oil without stripping away the natural oils that your skin needs to protect itself. They help cleanse the skin but are mild enough for sensitive skin.

TrueScience Perfecting Lotion has a light fragrance but is paraben and alcohol free. The Nrf2 technology includes the blend of bacopa, milk thistle, green tea, black pepper and turmeric as well as a blend of brassica plant extracts plus wasabia japonica root extract. Other ingredients in the Perfecting Lotion include:

  • Astragalus membranaceus root extract, atractyloides macrocephala root extract & bupleurum falcatum root extract: This combination of moisturizing plant extracts is based in Traditional Chinese medicine, where it is used to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, even out skin tone, and bring the ying and yang to your skin. The plant extracts work to improve skin clarity and minimize the appearance of skin discoloration and dark spots. It leaves the skin hydrated and smoother looking.

TrueScience Eye Serum contains no paraben, alcohol or silicon. The Nrf2 technology includes the patented blend of bacopa, milk thistle, green tea, black pepper and turmeric as well as a patented blend of brassica plant extracts, wasabia japonica root extract and plantago lanceolate leaf extract. The Eye Serum also contains:

  • Alibizia julibrissin bark extract: This plant extract helps reduce the appearance of droopy eyes, which can make your eyes look bigger, brighter, fresher and more alive!
  • Acrylate crosspolymer: Keeps the delicate skin around your eyes moist and calm.
  • Alpha-glucan oligosaccharide: Gently protects and supports the microflora around your eyes to keep a healthy, natural balance.
  • Plantago lanceolata leaf extracts: Made from plant stem cells, this ingredient helps mitigate the visible effects of skin damage caused by oxidative stress. Plantago also helps give the skin a firmer, smoother appearance and visibly lightens age spots.

TrueScience Anti-Aging Cream has a light fragrance and provides the ultimate way to combat the effects of aging. Just like the Eye Serum, the Nrf2 technology in this product includes the patented blend of bacopa, milk thistle, green tea, black pepper and turmeric as well as a patented blend of brassica plant extracts, wasabia japonica root extract and plantago lanceolate leaf extract. The Anti-Aging Cream adds even more ammunition to fight aging with the following ingredients:

  • Palmitoyl oligopeptide, palmitoyl tripeptide-7: Peptides in this unique combination reduce and minimize the appearance of wrinkles, visibly improve skin tone and smooth the skin.
  • Calcium hydroxymethionine, 3-aminopropane sulfonic acid: Calcium and amino acids work on many of the mechanisms that make skin look older; they work to visibly improve skin sagging as well as decrease the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Plantago lanceolata leaf extract: The plantain extract in this product works to make the skin look more smooth and firm as well as helps to reduce the appearance of age spots.
  • Carrageenan: This powerful moisturizer made from red algae doesn’t occlude the skin and hydrates faster than hyaluronic acid.

The TrueScience beauty system works for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It’s backed up by a clinical study that showed that after using these products for 8 weeks, women reported the following:

  • 87% said they had younger looking skin
  • 88% said their skin was brighter and more luminous
  • 94% said their skin felt smoother
  • 95% said their skin was more moisturized and hydrated

TrueScience is proven and patented. The longer you use it, the more benefits you’ll see because these products create healthier, more radiant-looking skin.


Change the look and feel of your skin.

Publicado en LifeVantage el 30 de junio de 2017.

Vital Nutrients for Optimal Health

Vital Nutrients for Optimal Health

For optimal health, eating a nutritious diet is a must. Unfortunately, getting everything your body needs from the foods you eat has become somewhat unrealistic. To do so requires time, energy and mental willpower, all things that aren’t guaranteed on any given day. This means you must find alternative ways to get the nutrients your body needs to function at its best. Though we could all use to spend a little more time honing in our eating habits, using supplements can help ensure you aren’t missing out on key nutrients.

LifeVantage Vitality Stack contains the supplements we believe are the most important additions to your daily regimen. Think of them like an insurance policy, offering protection against an insufficient intake of nutrients essential for maintaining optimal health throughout your life. The bundle consists of four products, each of which has a unique function but all working towards optimizing your health and preserving quality of life.

Here’s what you’ll find in the Vitality Stack:

  • Protandim NRF1 + Nrf2: Phytonutrients that work to defend against harmful free radicals and optimize important cell structures
  • PhysIQ Probio: Helpful bacteria that keep your digestive and immune system healthy
  • LifeVantage Omega+: A blend of fatty acids and vitamin D3 that support brain and heart health

Each product was developed with one thing in mind—input equals output. We recognize that the body is an intricate system that requires balance. This internal balance is a function of input and output; specifically, what goes into the body influences body output, or how we feel and perform on any given day. Interruptions to this state of balance can negatively impact body function and eventually, interfere with quality of life.

The products included in the Vitality Stack provide key nutrients that help to maintain balance in your cells as well as within three key body systems—the brain, the heart and the gut. The nutrients found in both Protandim NRF1 and Nrf2 help overcome inputs to the system that can be harmful to the cells of your body. The bacteria provided by PhysIQ Probio help restore a healthy gut microbiome that is easily offset by inputs such as diet, antibiotic use or exposure to environmental toxins. LifeVantage Omega+ provides nutrients that are often lacking in the diet but offer many health benefits to systems such as the heart and the brain.

Vitality Stack


Publicado en LifeVantage Blog el 6 de diciembre de 2017

Ayude a su corazón y a su cabeza con Omega+

LifeVantage Omega+ es un tres en uno producto y una poderosa mezcla de ácidos grasos y vitamina D que necesitas para sacar el máximo provecho de la vida. Omega + es compatible con la salud cardiovascular, la salud cognitiva, la salud de la piel y el sistema inmunológico.

Ayude a su corazón y a su cabeza

Al combinar los ácidos grasos Omega-3 DHA y EPA, los ácidos grasos Omega-7 y la vitamina D3, Omega+ apoya la salud cognitiva, salud cardiovascular, salud de la piel y sistema inmunológico.

Su cerebro, corazón y músculos necesitan todo el apoyo que puedan obtener. Pero a veces la dieta simplemente no ayuda. No hay problema, la nuestra tampoco. Es por eso que creamos LifeVantage Omega+. Omega+ es una poderosa mezcla de ácidos grasos y vitamina D que usted necesita para sacarle el máximo provecho a la vida.

Los aceites de pescado en LifeVantage Omega+ son 100% rastreables del barco al frasco, obtenidos de AlaskOmega® Pollock y CodMarine® aceite de pescado noruego.


  • Apoya la salud cognitiva *
  • Apoya la salud cardiovascular *
  • Apoya un sistema inmune sano *
  • Ayuda a proteger sus células *
  • Apoya la salud de la piel *
  • Rico en EPA y DHA
  • Sabor de limón y lima

>>conoce acerca del Omega +  >>



* Estas declaraciones no han sido evaluadas por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA). Este producto no está destinado a diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad.

Monóxido de carbono: un peligro potencial de los generadores que usan gasolina

Suele ser difícil decir si alguien está envenenado con CO, ya que los síntomas pueden parecerse a los de otras enfermedades. Las personas que están dormidas o intoxicadas pueden morir de envenenamiento por CO antes de presentar síntomas. Un detector de CO puede advertirle si tiene altos niveles de CO en su hogar.

El monóxido de carbono es un peligro potencial de los generadores que usan gasolina

No use esos dispositivos en casa, en el garaje ni en ningún espacio cerrado

por Robert Preidt

Traducido del inglés: lunes, 2 de octubre, 2017

Imagen de noticias HealthDayVIERNES, 29 de septiembre de 2017 (HealthDay News) — Las personas que se quedan sin electricidad por las tormentas o los apagones podrían estar en riesgo de intoxicación con monóxido de carbono si utilizan generadores portátiles, dispositivos que utilicen gasolina o parrillas de gas de forma inadecuada, advierten las autoridades de EE. UU.

El monóxido de carbono (CO) es un gas sin olor ni color que puede provocar enfermedad y muerte si se acumula en una vivienda o vehículo. Cada año, más de 400 personas mueren por una intoxicación accidental con el CO en Estados Unidos.

Si usa un generador u otro motor que funcione con gasolina, colóquelo al menos a 20 pies (unos 6 metros) de su vivienda. Nunca use un generador, lavador a presión ni ningún motor que funcione con gasolina dentro de casa, en el sótano ni en el garaje, según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) de EE. UU.

Al usar un generador, use también un detector de CO que funcione con pilas o que tenga pilas de respaldo. Si tiene un sistema de generador con instalación y ventilación profesional, mantenga los conductos y los humeros libres de basura, sobre todo si hay un viento fuerte. Los escombros que van por el aire pueden bloquear los ductos de ventilación.

Nunca use un fogón o un horno de gas para calentar una vivienda, y nunca deje el motor encendido en un vehículo aparcado o en un espacio cerrado total o parcialmente, como un garaje.

Los síntomas del envenenamiento por CO incluyen dolor de cabeza, mareos, debilidad, náuseas, vómitos dolor de pecho y confusión.

Si cree que tiene una intoxicación por CO, salga al aire libre, llame al 911 o a su Centro de Control de Intoxicaciones local en el 1-800-222-1222, o busque atención médica de inmediato, aconsejan los CDC.

Artículo por HealthDay, traducido por HolaDoctor

FUENTE: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, news release

Entendiendo los probióticos

“microorganismos vivos que, cuando son suministrados en cantidades adecuadas, promueven beneficios en la salud.”

Ayude a su sistema digestivo: Entendiendo los probióticos

por Wendy J. Dahl y Volker Mai

¿Qué son los probióticos?

Los probióticos son considerados como “bacterias buenas.” Frecuentemente cuando pensamos en las bacterias, pensamos en las que causan enfermedades. Aunque hay muchas bacterias que causan enfermedades, hay otras que son benéficas para nuestra salud. Los probióticos son “microorganismos vivos que, cuando son suministrados en cantidades adecuadas, promueven beneficios en la salud.” (FAO y WHO 2002)

Muchos probióticos son especies de Lactobacillus o Bifidobacterium. La lista de algunas bacterias probióticas comunes se muestra a continuación.

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus casei
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  • Bifidobacterium longum
  • Bifidobacterium infantis
  • Bifidobacterium breve
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum

Algunas levaduras también pueden ser probióticas. Una levadura probiótica común es la Saccharomyces boulardii.

Figure 1. Los probióticos ayudan a mantener el balance bacteriano en el tracto gastrointestinal.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de los probióticos? >continuar leyendo >>

Autora: Wendy J. Dahl y Volker Mai
Profesora asociado, Departamento de Ciencias de los Alimentos y Nutrición Humana; y Volker Mai, profesor asociado, Departamento de Epidemiología, College of Public Health and Health Professions, College of Medicine, Emerging Pathogens Institute, Universidad de Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611

Publicación de IFAS Extension, University of Florida (Publication #FSHN11-11s)


Buy PhysIQ ProBio now!


7 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Protein


The LIMU LEAN System is all about supplying you with unique, balanced sources of liquid protein. Why? Because protein is one of the most important factors of good nutrition.

Protein helps keep your energy level high, your hunger level low—and it’s essential to the building (and rebuilding) of cells and tissues in the body. Simply put, you need protein to function at your best … but how do you know if you’re getting enough?

Opinions vary when it comes to how much protein you should consume each day, so it’s best to listen to your body to know if you’re lacking. Here are a few signs you may need to add a little more protein to your diet:

1. You crave sugar.

Sugar cravings

Constant cravings for sugar and carbs are often signals that your diet is too low in protein. If you’re relentlessly snacking between meals and craving sweets, it could be your body’s sneaky way of telling you to up your protein intake.

2. Your muscles and joints feel weak or sore.

weak muscles

The protein you consume helps build and repair muscles, tissues and cells, and when you’re not getting enough, your body has to tap into its own reserves. If you’re feeling weak, sore, or you’re flabby where you used to be muscular—protein deficiency may be to blame.

3. You get sick a lot.

Sick a lot

When we have enough protein in our bodies, our system is much more likely to track down and destroy unwanted bacteria and viruses before they get the best of us. If you’re constantly under the weather, your body may be reacting to insufficient levels of protein in your diet.

4. Your hair and nails are in bad shape.

Hair and Nail Troubles

Our hair and nails need to be “fed” protein in order to grow strong. Without enough protein, you may notice that your nails become brittle and easy to break and your hair is constantly falling out and appears to be thinning.

5. Your ankles and feet swell.

feet swell

Protein plays an important role in the amount of fluid that accumulates in the tissues of the feet and ankles. If you’re experiencing swollen feet and ankles, you may be undergoing nutritional edema (swelling) due to lack of protein.

6. You struggle with brain fog.

brain fog 1

Protein is essential for a healthy, happy mind and body. It stabilizes blood sugar, and without enough of it, it’s common to get moody, distracted and even little delirious. If you deal with brain fog on the daily, it may be time to reexamine the protein levels in your diet.

7. You’re always tired.

always tired

When you’re not getting enough protein, your body responds by feeling tired and worn out. It’s sending you a signal that you need a solid, nutritious source of sustainable energy. If you’re feeling sluggish all the time, try increasing your protein intake.

LIMU’s premium liquid nutrition products like LIMU LEAN BURN and LIMU LEAN Meal Replacement Shakes in Dutch Chocolate and Creamy Vanilla fuel your body with the protein you need to function at your best. If you’re struggling with some of the signs above, try adding these products to your daily routine and power up with healthy dose of protein!


Artículo e imágenes publicado en el blog LimuNation. Visitado el 23 de agosto de 2017.